Tuesday, January 1, 2008

we are broken.

i feel like venting. but not too much. too much will get me in trouble.

i find it sad when people think the world revolves around them. and when they're pushing others out of their lives. it's sad, because it's not fair to those that still want to spend time with you. for fun times. it's happening to me. it's happening to other people i know. it's not fair on us.

i miss the days where we would all just hang out, and have a good time. =] felt like there were no cares in the world. we were all like, a team. a group that supported each other.

where have those days gone?
i feel like those memories are slowly slipping away ...hanging by a thread.

one day. soon. i hope you welcome us back into your lives.

so. even though, i'm just gonna keep living my life the way i want to, i want my friends back.it's a new year. time for a fresh start. with friends, new and old.

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